I don’t know about you, but the older I got, the less I slept.
In my twenties, I used to fall asleep in just a few minutes…
But as I aged, responsibilities piled up, and getting a restful night of sleep became a luxury that seemed completely out of reach for me.
At first, I thought I could fight back those sleep nights by drinking loads of coffee and Redbulls to go through my day…
Boy, I was wrong!
Although they helped me go through my day, they backfired badly once my caffeine levels dropped.
Every evening, the closer I got to bedtime, the more stressed out I was.
I was stressed out because I knew that I’d be tossing and turning around in my bed trying to find sleep.
I used to look at my phone at 11 pm and think “hey if I wake up at 7 am that’d be 8 hours of sleep!”.
Next thing you know, I looked at my phone again a little later and it was 1 am…
… then it was 2 am. And I was still struggling to find sleep.
More often than not, I found myself in the living room watching late-night infomercials, with my thoughts racing and my eyes feeling like they were about to fall off.
Sounds familiar?
After an hour or two of staring at the TV, I’d finally felt somewhat sleepy, so I went back to bed thinking this time I’m falling asleep…
Hell no!
The sun would rise soon and I still hadn’t closed my eyes.
As the alarm clock went off, I got up enraged, knowing I had to go through my day without proper rest.
At breakfast, I snapped at my kids for no reason.
We’d get into the car and I’d drive like a jackass.
I’d walk into the office with a frowned face.
My colleagues used to think I’m just an a-hole who they rather avoid like the plague…
Truth is, I’m quite a nice person…
But sleep deprivation literally made my life a living hell. And turned me into a person you’d rather avoid talking to.
I went through my days feeling like a zombie…
… half aware of what’s going on, and drinking loads of coffee to stay alert and function properly.
That’s what my life used to look like.
Then one night…
I was watching TV as usual while surfing the internet…
And I came across an article from the American Heart Association that outlined the life-threatening consequences of sleep deprivation.
From heart diseases and dementia to type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer, the list of consequences was frightening.
I couldn’t help but imagine what my life would be like if I was to get hit by one of the things they mentioned in that article.
That night, I came to the grips with the fact that I can’t bury my head in the sand anymore.
I couldn’t wait for sleep to find me by itself.
I had to take this problem into my own hands to try and put an end to my overwhelming sleepless nights.
I jumped down the rabbit hole and what I discovered was pretty shocking to me.
All those sleepless nights, for all those years, were caused by the exact same root cause.
Unfortunately, doctors seemed uninterested in treating that root cause.
When I told my doctor about it he was quick to dismiss it and prescribe me sleeping pills…
Needless to say that I didn’t take them.
Because by that time I realized they only acted on the symptoms of my problem.
But they did nothing whatsoever to solve the problem at its roots.
For some reason, I was convinced that if I only was able to get the root cause of my sleepless nights under control, I could finally get the restful night of sleep that I’d been looking forward to for years.
Thankfully, such a solution to manage the root cause of my trouble does exist.
And best of all, it’s not some drug with more side effects than desirable outcomes.
It’s a natural nutrient that we all have in our bodies, but that 75% of people don’t have enough of.
I decided to give it a shot…
… after all, my life couldn’t be worse!
I’d either find sleep again or not. That was it
Let me tell you…
It was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself…
Nowadays, my life looks radically different.
At the end of a day at work, I look forward to bedtime. Because I know without a shadow of a doubt I’ll fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
I know that I’ll sleep like when I was in my twenties.
And I know that I’d wake up feeling energized, vigorous, and ready to face whatever the day throws at me.
If today you’re like I was, struggling to find sleep and going through your day feeling like a zombie, I invite you to discover the root cause of all your trouble by clicking here.
You’ll also find out what that (barely) talked about nutrient that transformed my life is.
Click here and discover how to get back your long-lost sleep.